

Children are not just the future of our church, we believe they are the church now. We are working to provide more and more opportunities for our littlest worshipers.

During Sunday mornings, elementary aged keiki remain in the worship service with their families. Pastor Jenica partners with our keiki and their families to find ways for our keiki to be involved in our worship services. We also have keiki bulletins available each week. We do have a nursery available on Sundays for our youngest ohana members. On Wednesday evenings we offer Keiki Point in our other building. There, they have an age-appropriate lesson studying God's Word and playing together.  

Childcare is available during our Connection Groups upon request. For more information contact Pastor Jenica.

Monday-Friday HAAS (Hawaii Academy of Arts and Science) Public Charter School utilizes our buildings for two of their elementary school classes. For more information about their school visit their website.



We believe that teenagers are also an integral part of the body of Christ. They aren't simply hormonal monsters to be ignored - but the people with the greatest energy, passions, and potential. 

Our teens help lead the music for worship and also are able to serve in any capacity in the congregation.

Youth Group meets every Wedneday 6:30-7:30. We gather to hang out, play games, and to study scripture and pray together. We also participate in District Summer camp on Oahu with our church district and raise funds to ensure everyone can go!

If you have any questions,contact Pastor Claudine